Saturday, August 27, 2011

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom is one of our first units in kindergarten. I love starting with this unit because the students feel very confident singing the alphabet song and for the most part, the majority of the students know all their uppercase letters. Below is an area I set up in our classroom for interactive play during free choice time. I explained the expectations and rules to the students before opening up this area in the classroom. This was such a hit that I had to go to the library to check out more Chicka Chicka Boom Boom books! 
*I ordered the palm tree from Oriental Trading for about $15. It kept falling down so I used book tape and taped it to the floor. It held up for the most part!

The students are reenacting the story by using giant foam letters and having them go up the coconut tree. The students tried to balance the letters on the coconuts and once the letters began to fall off the tree, they would start singing the song and shaking the tree! It was so fun to watch!

After reading the book several times, we watched it on Scholastic's Bookflix. If your school does not have a subscription to Bookflix, I highly recommend looking into this!

All the kindergarteners loved it!

Toward the end of our unit, the students decorated alphabet letters with paper squares. We hung them up near our Chicka Chicka Boom Boom tree when they were all done!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Our Kindergarten Room

Rug Time

Learning area with Interactive Whiteboard and Epson Projector

Side morning board....I add LOTS more to this as the year progresses.

Our reading nook.

"Quiet Zone" work area

Play kitchen 

As we learn each letter of the alphabet, I have the students come up with a list of words that begin with the letter. After creating the list, I find pictures on the web that the students can use to help with writing. They use this ALL the time! It's a lot of work, but 100% worth the time!

Another example

This is our math cart, which the students use for guided math.