Saturday, September 10, 2011

Red Ribbon Week

During the fall, we celebrate Red Ribbon Week. Our focus in kindergarten during this week is educating the students on making good and healthy choices so we can live the best life possible. To kick off this event, we created a cooperative project during free choice on the first day of Red Ribbon Week. All together, we tore red paper into tiny pieces and then created a mosaic Red Ribbon to display outside of our classroom. In addition, we read several books that help instruct on social situations and what to do if problems arise. This looked adorable and I would have loved to keep it up all year long! 

Learning Personal Information

This was a brilliant idea that my colleague came up with to motivate the students to learn their address, birthday, and phone number. We assess home information every quarter and it's vital that the students remember this in case of an emergency. We hang up our poster year round in the hallway and as the students learn all of their information, they get to put a piece of the popsicle puzzle onto our popsicle. Once all the pieces have been put together, I am going to treat the students to a popsicle party! They can earn this special treat every quarter!


Sight Word Practice

The students used shaving cream to write their sight words! This activity is wonderful for two reasons: 1) The students think this is the coolest thing ever! and 2) It cleans the tables! What more could a teacher ask for?!?