Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Family Turkey Projects

At the end of October, we send home a family turkey project for the students to work on with their family members. We have high hopes that the students will work with their families to create a decorative turkey that they can they bring back and share with their classmates. We encourage creativity and innovative ideas! These family projects are designed for the students to do most of the work, with a hand from their siblings and parents. 

To do this activity, we (the teachers) first trace a turkey pattern on a half sheet of poster board. We attach a letter to the poster board explaining the expectations for the project and the due date. In class, we go over exactly what should be done with the students. We reinforce that they should be doing most of the work as opposed to their families. Together, we generate ideas. When the students bring their projects back to school, they share their turkeys with their peers, explaining what materials they used and who helped them create it. Then, we hang them up in the hallways above their lockers for everyone in the school to admire. Below are some of the turkey projects the students created this year. As you can see, I have some pretty creative kiddos!

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