Saturday, April 7, 2012

We're BUGGY About Learning! - Post 3

So our caterpillars and ants finally arrived! The kiddos were so excited and were shocked that they were actually alive! It was pretty funny. I am looking forward to observing the insects with the students. Next week, the students will be having a writing lesson, learning how to write facts in an observation journal. I have a feeling that the kids are going to run with it and just LOVE writing about what they see, wonder, and learn about the new addition to our classroom!

Our caterpillars! Once they make their cocoon, I will transfer them to the butterfly nursery.

Our ant vial. The picture didn't come out too clearly, but you get the idea!

This shows the ant farm right after I poured the ants into their new home.

Another picture from a different angle.

When we came back to school the following day, we saw all of the ants' hard work!

They started digging the tunnels!

By the end of the day, this is the progress they had made. I can't wait to see the ant farm on Monday after they have all weekend to create their tunnels and chambers!

They are just as busy as the kids are during the school day! :)

On Thursday afternoon, we made these adorable bug headbands. The students wore them the entire afternoon and played "bugs" during free choice time. It was so cute and they all did such a wonderful job making their bug colorful and unique! 

Rather than create a typical web for facts, I decided to write our new ant facts on the shape of an ant so the students can distinguish the facts they learn about different bugs. We created this project whole group after we watched the Magic School Bus "Ants in the Pants" video and read a great nonfiction text about ants. The students were raising their hand over and over to contribute new information! I've got some smart kiddos in my class! :)

After watching the Magic School Bus video about ants, the students wrote two facts they learned about the interesting insect. They also drew an ant colony in the box below their writing. Before having the students write their facts independently, we generated a list of facts and I wrote them on the Interactive Whiteboard. That way, those students who needed assistance, could use the board as a reference. They did a great job! 

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